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  • Writer's pictureJennyfer Picolo

Reflexology and Pregnancy

Everybody knows someone that absolutely loves Reflexology!

Just ask around and you’ll almost certainly find someone who has benefitted from it. And when you find this person chances are it is a mother! But why it is that Reflexology is so popular with mothers?

One reason is the fact that reflexology is very safe and non invasive, which makes it a very popular complementary therapy recommended by physicians and even covered by many health insurance providers (as long as it is a fully registered and insured practitioner). The second thing is the therapy itself. Very pleasant and relaxing, Reflexology wins the hearts even of those who normally don’t care much about having their feet touched.

But beyond the most well deserved TLC for the mommy’s feet and the glorious relaxing-me-time every mother to be craves, Reflexology brings amazing benefits during and after pregnancy.

Beyond the most well deserved TLC for the mommy’s feet and the glorious relaxing-me-time every mother to be crave, Reflexology brings amazing benefits during and after pregnancy.

During Pregnancy

Working with pregnancy is a major part of what I do as a reflexologist and I've observed that even though pregnancy can be different from person to person or even from one pregnancy to another, there are a few things that remain common.

The importance of Relaxation is one of them. So many times relaxation and stress relief are overlooked and considered minor issues, but they ensure optimal health of both mother and baby.

The adaptation of the mother’s body to the changes that occur during the gestational period is of vital importance, and I hear from clients on a daily basis how different and better they feel after a treatment session.

Reflexology treats issues that are commonly related with pregnancy such as nausea, insomnia, constipation, heart blood pressure problems, symphysis pubis dysfunction, neck and back pain, liquid retention, hormonal imbalances, anxiety, mood swings, and the list goes on… all symptoms with excellent improvement.

Preparation for Labor

If everything is fine during gestation, I normally recommend my clients to come once a month from the 12th week of pregnancy (weeks 12, 16, 20, 24), every two weeks from the 24th (weeks 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36) and then every week from the 36th (weeks 37,38,39,40). During the course of treatments there are specific areas that can gradually be worked with to support towards labor. Natural hormonal stimulation (such as oxytocin, adrenaline and endorphins) is a big part of the process as well as promoting muscular readiness, pelvic, hips and sacrum release.

After Birth

Whether the mother had treatments prior to labor or not, reflexology can be a great tool in helping the body to harmonise and balance back to its normal state.

Tension and pain relief are among the reasons reflexology is sought after by new moms, but also physical and psychological conditions that might occur afterbirth, such as postpartum depression, can be helped. 


It is important to understand that reflexology is a complementary holistic therapy, which means that you should not stop seeing your doctor and or taking prescribed medication in its favour. It promotes overall wellbeing by promoting balance of the functions of the body, and works alongside traditional medicine, diet and exercise.

Always consult with a fully qualified, registered professional that can help you with your unique needs and clarify any doubts you may have.

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