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  • Writer's pictureJennyfer Picolo

Cervical Screening - CervicalCheck 2020

January is the Cervical Cancer Awareness month. Find here all the updated information about the CervicalCheck – the HSE National Cervical Screening Programme that offers free cervical screening.

Popularly known as smear test, the Cervical Screening is a way to detect abnormal cells in the cervix, the area connecting the vagina with the uterus. Abnormal cells left untreated can develop into cervical cancer. The screening promotes early diagnose, treatment and prevention of cervical cancer and it is a free test provided by the HSE.

For every 1,000 individuals screened, about 20 will have abnormal cervical cells. It is estimated that regular cervical screening can prevent 75% of cervical cancer cases.

Things you must know and talk about!

Who can benefit from the program?

All of those with a cervix. Even though the information we currently find on the HSE website isn't comprehensive, I've personally contacted the team responsible for the program to confirm that all of those with a cervix - including transgender and gender non-conforming individuals - ages 25 to 60 are entitled to avail of the service*.

How can you arrange a test?

You must check your registration with the program, see when your next screening is due and make an appointment directly with any doctor or nurse registered with CervicalCheck.

Even if you've have had the screening before, I highly recommend you to ensure your registration. On my research, I found out that I wasn't registered myself and had to do so. So I urge you to check!

How do you check when the screening is due?

All you need is you PPS number and date of birth, click HERE and scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page, add your information (PPS and DOB) and click on ‘proceed’. If you, like myself, find out your name isn't registered, the site will prompt you to a registration page and ask you a few more questions, like your address and when you've had your last screening done.


It only takes one minute of your day and give you around 3 years of peace of mind and potentially save your life. Tell everyone you know who have a cervix. Together we can make a difference.

For those who feel uncomfortable with the cisnormative way the system currently approaches the campaign, please remember that it is your right to have the screening and there are encouraging changes taking place within the HSE which hopefully will ensure that information circulating within and without the health system (for medical professionals and the general public alike) is clear and non-discriminatory. If you don't feel comfortable visiting the Wellwoman clinic, your GP should be able to refer you to an alternative professional (should they not be registered themselves).

You can find more information HERE.

* If you find yourself on this age group (25-60 yo) and is either not sexually active or have had a hysterectomy, please consult with your GP as your qualification depends on your individual case scenario.

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